Mark Leyner vs. The Internet


Take a trip back to the '90s in my new episode of We Defy Augury . . . the internet didn't quite work yet, but the movies were awesome.


  1. Great episode! Goes deep in a lot of places. A legitimate think piece. Heavy on Tarantino, things that make me nostalgic, and Whitney stories. Yes!

  2. Also, Movie Game I (not our creation) got a mention, but Movie Game II (our creation) was missing.

  3. Also, I’m over commenting but that joy you described is supposedly now missing? I contend that it’s still there, the joy of having googled something earlier that day, and then someone mentions it in conversation in the break room. There is still that coincidence and oddity that seems preternatural but that I see and feel on a daily basis. And that takes my brain into deep rabbit holes that entertain mightily.

  4. much excellent, this episode. professor truck's unpacking of the change of direction in the 90s is spot on.

    a minor quibble. while the cockroach suit story is one of my favorites from college, i think the idea that the house was infested is a bit apocryphal. now the cricket infestation we wrought trying to feed our ill-fated lizard, that's a whole different thing altogether.

  5. thanks! this one really unraveled . . .

    good point whit, i like that too-- but i think we are on our phones less and google less than the kids now-- they use it for everything all the time.

    i definitely need fact-checking on these stories-- they are so old and i haven't told them in so long that i actually doubt the veracity while i'm telling them-- but i do remember some roaches on my face occasionally in the house.

    whit-- i almost did a segment on movie game II but i was getting tired-- it will happen in another podcast, maybe a bunch of them. feel free to send a few my way . . .
