Real Night Court Takes Longer Than 22 Minutes

I hope my son learned his lesson yesterday at night court-- my lawyer buddy Jay got his violations knocked down to two points (and a stern lecture from the prosecutor) but it was still a long, rainy, costly evening . . . and we saw what COULD happen-- the kid in front of us got his moving violation knocked down to two points as well, but he was doing 60 in a 25 so he lost his license for ten days (and you have to go BACK to the DMV and get a new license, a punishment in itself) and that youngster gave Alex a lecture as well and said that Alex should be thankful that he has a supportive father who accompanied him to court, because his dad -- a truck driver-- was so pissed at him that he didn't want anything to do with the matter; anyway, I hope he slows down, I hope our insurance doesn't go up too much, and I hope Ian learns his lesson (by proxy) as well.


  1. My high school chum Brad got caught speeding like a maniac. The cop told him that he himself was doing 90 and that Brad was gaining on him. Major penalty. But he ended up owning his own engineering firm and being a city councilman, so there’s reason think this was a one-off.

  2. hope!

    although alex loves cars, engines, rockets, aerospace, driving to the basket, talking real fast . . . there's a pattern.
