Dave Learns Two Things (That He Already Knew . . . Sort Of)

This morning I learned that I really like Billy Cobham-- I like his drumming and his original stuff and his work with Miles Davis and his work with the Mahavishnu Orchestra . . . I just didn't know the name "Billy Cobham"-- I "liked" a bunch of his songs on Spotify without ever knowing the percussionist behind the music . . . the other thing I learned TWICE this week (and I'm sure I knew this previously) is that if you don't rake the leaves in your backyard, you are going to step in dogshit . . . because fallen leaves are often the color of dogshit and fallen leaves obscure dogshit.


  1. Or you could just timely pick up after your dog.

  2. that what's i do! every day! i never let her go in the yard. it must have happened when i wasn't home-- and the rest of my family . . . don't even get me started.

  3. The rest of your family shits in the yard too?

  4. i am laughing too hard to comment
