No Good Deed Goes Unpunished (by Dave)

Some of you may be familiar with how I live my life (Dave-style) and one of the cute and quirky things about my particular style of living is that instead of throwing stuff I don't want into the trash, sometimes I just toss it onto the common table in the English Office . . . so when Sara Murphy (affectionately known as Smurphy and one of my favorite people in the universe) came into my class, holding a stack of paper and said, "You forgot your photo-copies on the table, here they are," I felt really bad-- but I had to tell her (mainly because I knew the class would enjoy the information) that I didn't need those photo-copies and they were actually trash that I had inconsiderately tossed onto the common table and that though she had tried to do a good deed, she had instead exposed me as the total jackass that I am . . . but at least I have this blog in which to reflect upon these moments and maybe I won't do this again for a couple of weeks.


  1. Did Smurphy throw them on the floor which would have been the proper response?

  2. no, she's too nice to me-- it's absurd. she even went and made me some copies yesterday when i needed them. she's a kindred soul . . .

    we call her smurphy because that's her school email-- first letter of first name and last name . . .
