Dave = Winner

Another hot day in Maine, so we didn't do any epic hikes-- instead, we explored the peninsulas and beaches in Hancock and Sorrento-- and ate lobster rolls from a roadside shack-- and then headed back to our place to play some games . . . and I took the triple crown: winning at Scrabble, a five-dollar Texas Hold'em tourney, and finally beating my son Ian in a game of cornhole-- he's been killing me lately (since he adopted the method).


zman said...

I'm afraid to click on the link to "the method" out of fear that it involves the Venus butterfly or something similar.

Whitney said...

The title of this post should be the title of this blog and Dave’s autobiography.

Dave said...

i'd have to add a question mark

dave = winner?

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.