Ahh . . . Denim Days

My buddy sent me this picture yesterday . . . I think it's circa 1990 but we are celebrating some romanticized version of the 70's that we cooked up at Pi Lam-- but now this photo just evokes nostalgia for getting together with a bunch of people in a poorly ventilated space (although we were sick in college all the time) especially because I got so bored this afternoon that I actually sorted out my sock drawer and searched for mates for all my single socks . . . mainly to no avail.


  1. pretty sure that's amy smithers

  2. yes apparently gus sent the picture . . .

  3. easy mistake to make. one is a cute blond girl, the other a swarthy black irishman.

  4. I think it’s fall ‘89 but that’s nitpicking. And that’s Amy.

  5. Dave, don’t you have one like this with both of us in it?
