The Wailing is an Awesome Movie

The Wailing-- an epic 2016 Korean horror film-- is a cross between The Exorcist and The Naked Gun . . . and the imagery and cinematography, which is astounding and beautiful, is somewhere between Deliverance and Apocalypse Now . . . the movie features angels and demons and all of us bumbling idiots in between, there are shapeshifters and possession, zombies and infection, ghosts and senseless violence . . . but all of these tired tropes are given new life . . . the film is streaming on Amazon Prime, watch it before it vanishes.


  1. how do you know about the whaler? he's before MY time . . .

  2. He would show up at Homecoming and suck all over the place.

  3. that fat bastard came to our initiation well after his graduation. loser.

  4. I think he asked me if, when I was a child, I had been dropped on my head.
