My Son Needs Barbarian Therapy

My son Alex said the strangest thing yesterday:

"I wish I were a little worse at ping-pong so I could have more fun playing with my friends"

and I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing that warrants therapy, but obviously-- in my family-- I don't tolerate poor table-tennis play . . . if you're not going to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of the women then why would you play?


  1. important question: we know you're no longer your kids' match in tennis. but can you still take the boys in ping pong? there's not a family member - blood or otherwise - in my orbit that can beat me in ping pong. or tennis, now that i think about it. if i'm being honest, i'm the best athlete by some measure in my entire extended family. my 22 year-old naval officer nephew might argue with me. until i whip him.

    shit, we need to broaden the gene pool.

  2. i still win most of the time in tennis. i almost always win in ping-pong. my brother is significantly better than me at tennis and a bit better at ping pong. so we still have some good competition in our family to come. it makes me want to get in better shape, so i can beat them for decades . . .

  3. "I wish I were a little worse at ping-pong so I could have more fun playing with my friends" is proof Alex is Dave's son.

  4. he should have said, "i wish i were a little better at ping pong so i could hear the lamentations of the women."
