It Took a Global Pandemic . . .

There's a new hashtag of ideas that begin "it took a global pandemic" and I've collected a few of them here . . . thanks to all the contributors-- if anyone has any ideas, throw them in the comments . . . I might make this a post for Medium;

1) it took a global pandemic for us to learn how fun it is to drink with far-flung friends on Zoom;

2) it took a global pandemic for us to realize there's still some systemic racism in America;

3) it took a global pandemic to learn how fast you can traverse distances in central New Jersey when there is no traffic;

4) it took a global pandemic to truly value quality home appliances, especially the dishwasher;

5) it took a global pandemic for me to plant more bamboo along our fence line;

6) it took a global pandemic to motivate me to do mosquito control in my backyard;

7) it took a global pandemic to realize how unsanitary and disgusting schools are;

8) it took a global pandemic to get me to subscribe to the NYT and start doing the daily crossword;

9) it took a global pandemic for me to learn the joy of online poker;

10) it took a global pandemic to cross the street and avoid everyone and not be judged as a total douchebag;

11) it took a global pandemic for me to fix the crazy-ass chip in my front tooth because I kept seeing myself on Zoom; 

12) it took a global pandemic to get alcohol to go;

13) it took a global pandemic to discover just how misanthropic and introverted you could be;

14) it took a global pandemic to recognize what a pain-in-the-ass timesuck club soccer is;

15) it took a global pandemic for people to start doing jigsaw puzzles . . . yuck;

16) it took a global pandemic to get people to wash their hands after going to the bathroom . . . yuck;

17) it took a global pandemic for New Brunswick to realize it's fun to close down George Street to traffic, put a bunch of bands out there, and let everyone eat and drink in the road;

18) it took a global pandemic to find out who believes in the scientific method and randomized gold-standard double-blind trials;

19) it took a global pandemic to truly understand how incompetent Donald Trump is . . . or maybe not, maybe he's been exactly the same level of incompetence the whole time;

20) it took a global pandemic to realize it's more fun to wait in the parking lot with your dog, rather than in the vet's waiting room . . . which is always a disaster;

21) to be continued.

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