Literacy Through Bananagrams

If you're worried about keeping your kids literate through the coronavirus crisis, try playing some Bananagrams with them.

If you're worried that I lost to my fourteen-year-old son because he spelled "xenophobia," don't fret. I came back and beat him (he pulled a "z" and a "q" and another "x" down the stretch). 

My last move was most elegant: I had to place an "L" and I found a little nook and turned "it" and "gave" into "lit" and "gavel." Brilliant.

To make the coronavirus quarantine interesting, I've already made our typical "pound of Birnn chocolate bet" over darts and ping-pong . . . perhaps I'll add Bananagrams to the list.

Two days ago, he beat my wife (although he did have to look up the spelling of a word). But still, the shame. 


  1. I love that Dave argues that the lit/gavel combo supersedes xenophobia. Preposterous.

  2. drop shot for the win beats an ace early in the match.

  3. I can’t believe you aren’t angry that he beat your wife. I hope she isn’t badly bruised.
