Some Good Listening

I while away a lot of time listening to B+ podcasts-- every episode of The Indicator and Planet Money and Reply All and Freakonomics-- and I'll be the first to admit that they get a little repetitive and tend to cover the same themes.

Once in a while, however, I stumble upon something more profound, such as the new six-part Radiolab story.

It's called "The Other Latif" and it's about when Radiolab producer Latif Nasser . . .

discovers that there's another person with the same name as him.

This guy:

Who happens to be Guantanomo Detainee #244. 

Except that he was cleared for release in 2016. So he's not supposed to be detained any longer. But then along comes this guy:


and he Tweets this:


The first installment is extremely compelling. Much better listening than election run-up bullshit. 

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