Trump's Re-election Rally: A Reality Check for Liberals

I was very wrong when I thought that Donald Trump-- laughingstock and punchline, bankrupt buffoon-- could never be elected president; I tried to understand, I read this George Saunders piece and lots of other stuff, but now I realize that a lot of this reporting was biased, reported by folks that didn't take Trump seriously; now we know the truth, and though it took xenophobia, Russian meddling, fake news, conspiracy theories, character assassination and some outright racism, Trump figured out how to win . . . and he very well may win again; The Daily covered Trump's Re-election Rally and they didn't cherry-pick the gaffes and bumbling, instead they played masterful clips of Trump playing the crowd, making them feel special, making them feel like Trump is their way inside a corrupt system-- and then they talked to Trump supporters-- and not the insane, angry folk-- they talked to calm, rational people who love his agenda, people who want a wall, people who don't like immigrants, people who don't want gun reform or abortion, people who love the fact that Trump is appointing pro-life and conservative judges, people who don't believe a word of the "liberal fake-news media" . . . people who bought William Barr's pre-spin on the Mueller Report, people who are informed, but informed by totally different sources than I generally peruse (despite the fact that The Week tries to cover the liberal and conservative perspective, they don't go deep and weird enough on the conservative side) and so I feel very indebted to the New York Times for painting a more accurate picture of a Trump rally, he is a force to contend with and his supporters believe in Trump and believe in what he stands for . . . I find this shocking, but if you go 17:45 seconds in, when Trump has the audience cheer for what slogan and theme he should promote in this election, you can see why these people love him, his populism, his eschewing of political correctness, and his ability to say what people want to hear-- whether it's true or not-- so while I'm rooting for intellect over rhetoric, for Elizabeth Warren's thought out plans, her statistics and logic and ideas, I'm probably very stupid for rooting for this, for thinking that brains can defeat Trump's emotional brawn . . . anyway, listen to the podcast and tell me what you think.


  1. I told someone last night that it seems like the only way to defeat Trump is to beat him at his own game, have some renegade Dem who bucks the system and speaks from the hip and tells people to fuck off who can take aim at DJT. And not from an aghast "how dare he" standpoint... instead, demonstrate through cool rogueness that this clown's a bumbling tweeting fool asleep at the switch, and you can have a relatively populist, joking, fun man or woman of the people at the helm. Trump entertains people, especially the people whose daily lives are shit sandwiches. Be funnier, that's not hard. Say off-the-cuff random stuff that cracks people up and lets them know you also have wasteful, stupid government in the crosshairs.

  2. yeah, you're right. and elizabeth warren is not that. she's just smart and qualified and has vision. dammit. sounds like you're talking about bill clinton . . .

  3. "Whitney 2020" begins here today.
