Donald Trump Needs to Clean My Toilet

The married couple from Nicaragua that cleans our house, who sought political asylum here in 2005 and have been issued yearly work permits for the last 13 years, were recently told that their permit would not be renewed this year and they must leave the country by September (despite the fact that they have three children enrolled in the New Brunswick school system and one set of in-laws that are US citizens).


  1. i'm not sure what outrages me more about this administration: the callous cruelty, or the incompetence and misprioritization of resources. there's little public policy goal gain from this action; in fact, you could argue that this decision weakens a community in a number of ways. fuck these people, and the people that enable them.

  2. it's just dumb. they've exhausted every legal resource, we've contacted lawyers and hotlines, but this is the way it is now. all hail our jackass in chief.
