You Haven't Read "Ask the Dust"? That's Sad . . .

Our friend, colleague, and book club participant Nicole is heading to California with her husband, to teach in LA, and so for my book club choice, I wanted to do a classic book set in the City of Angels, because then Nicole could Skype in to book club and offer her opinions-- and everything I read online touted John Fante's 1939 novel Ask the Dust as the quintessential LA story-- it is regarded as "The Great Gatsby of the West Coast"-- so now when she gets out there she can immediately brandish some elitist Jersey-douchebaggery and say to natives, with feigned shock: "You haven't read Ask the Dust? Really . .  that's so sad, it's the quintessential LA novel, the Great Gatsby of the West Coast . . . you should check it out . . . I can't believe you've never read it" and I'm even recommending this book to people that live on the East Coast, while I can't offer my thoughts (those are reserved for book club) I will tell you that my wife said it is "the best book I've ever recommended to her" and she loves it as much as I do.


  1. As I read this sentence I thought "Typical Dave hyperbole" until I got to Cat's quote and then I thought "Oh, ok." Cat brings legitimacy to SoD.

  2. i'll read it now and we can have an obft book club

  3. Octogenarians Book Finishing Trip

  4. so it's going to take you 40+ years to read a 200 page book?

    and yes, i too was very happy that my wife legitimized my book choice! doesn't happen often . . .
