Check Your Head

Many years ago, I recognized that adult snowboarders were all wearing helmets and so I bought a helmet-- I'm not sure why adult snowboarders didn't wear helmets before this tipping point, but once I saw other people wearing them, it made sense to make the switch; now I'm seeing adult recreational cyclists wearing helmets-- not mountain bikers or serious road bikers, but just regular folks going for a leisurely ride on the rail trail (my wife is included in this group, she says she wants to set a good example for our children) but I am not succumbing to this fad . . . my brain just isn't that valuable.


  1. I've been saying this for years and I probably said it to you. When I was a kid no one wore a helmet except for the epileptic kid in town (in case he had a seizure while biking I guess). Now that it's the law helmets make perfect sense and I can't think of a reason not to wear one. Of course, I've ridden a bike exactly once since I got my driver's license so what do I know.

  2. same in my town growing up-- one nerdy spaz wore a helmet and took a lot of flak for it. now i ride all the time, but generally not where there are cars. today was an exception-- 4th of july in chatham and we went out to breakfast. probably should have had a helmet on . . .
