Lyrics We Wrote

Today, I was obsessed with finding some song parody lyrics from the last Faculty Follies house band performance three years previous ("It's Fun to Guess on the P.S.A.T.) but I searched all my different Google drives and looked at Word files in various locations, hard and cloud-like, but I had no luck . . . and then a co-worker thought back three years ago, remembered that out boss introduced me to Evernote, and I checked there and found the file: digital mystery solved (but I worry how many platforms I will go through and how much digital detritus will collect int he next ten years . . . and then there's the passwords, all those ever-shifting passwords).


  1. Three words for you. Kill Devil Hills.

  2. are we trying to locate that? a file or on paper?

  3. Either. I can’t find a trace of it

  4. you should write a movie about the lost movie. scriptception!

  5. a mock epic in the vein of harold and kumar! i want to ride a cheetah.
