Imitation: The Sincerest Form of Something

Today was "Dress Like a Teacher Day" at East Brunswick High School, and two lovely young ladies abandoned all fashion sense and dressed like me-- slacks with 2% spandex, a golf shirt, funky sandals, and thick framed black glasses (and one lady went so far as to carry an identical coffee cup, a copy of Hamlet, and she painted on a mascara goatee) but though the costumes were cute and we took some funny photos together, the scary part was that the two of them could also emulate all my mannerisms, body language, and tone of voice-- they went upstairs and regaled the other English teachers with stories of Syria, my incorrigible son Ian, and students with no sense of personal space-- and did it with my particular manner and eloquence (or lack thereof).


  1. Maybe you could just send them to OBFT instead of you

  2. In Dave's defense, his bare feet look like he's wearing socks, or maybe wool shoes.

  3. this also ensures that i keep my toenails neatly groomed.

  4. Did they put on mascara backhair too?

  5. no, they had my wife pretend to shave off their imaginary back hair.
