Where the Beer Really Flows Like Wine

The slopes were a little choppy today and Alex and I did one run too many . . . luckily this barn apartment has a hot tub down on the lower level-- the three of us took a soak after banging around the mountain all morning and then we all fell asleep and now I'm drinking a Lost Nation Mosaic IPA, which a reviewer on BeerAdvocate describes as having a "crackery malt base" and "earthy berry notes" to go with its "lemony citrus" notes . . . best Spring Break ever (aside from the lack of dog) because in Vermont, the beer actually does flow like wine (and people describe it as such).


  1. Comment of Dave ---> Sentence of Dave. All this time in Vermont has really gotten you into recycling.

  2. comment of the year!

    and i'll use it for today's sentence.

  3. Beer reviewers... ridiculous. Local brewhouse Sandbridge Brewing Works' Cleopatra's Undercarriage Porter was described as "stubbly noir nectar," "pungent camel honey," and "a toasty trip down Cleo's Nile smile." Come on.
