Dave Avoids Being an Awkward Racist

Fourth period today, I was far afield, covering an honors physics class in J Hall; the class was full of 11th graders and I teach mainly seniors, but I recognized a couple of younger siblings-- and then one younger sibling recognized me: a tall African-American kid said that I taught his older brother Callan and we talked about him for a moment and then I got the students working on their assignment (something to do with the speed of sound and the speed of light and car antennas) and I noticed that the other African-American kid in the class not only looked like the tall kid that said I taught his brother, but he also looked like the older brother Callan . . . but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to fall into the stereotypical "they all look alike" trope . . . so I kept my mouth shut about the resemblance, but then towards the end of the period I realized that I hadn't taken attendance yet, so I read the roster aloud and checked off who was present and it turned out the that the two African-American kids in the class were identical twins . . . so not only did they look like the older black kid that I taught, but they looked exactly like each other.


  1. You're so intimidated by black kids that you're afraid to ask if identical twins are related? What are you, George Zimmerman?

  2. i wasn't wearing my glasses and didn't want to speculate-- sometimes when you're a public figure, it's better to be patient and not just say whatever you're thinking (this advice is directed at you, mr. president).

  3. First you claim to not know what Grindr is now you refer to yourself as a “public figure”. This is why I read SOD.

  4. He also believe that Trump reads SOD.

  5. https://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/1994/04/15/30plug.h11.html

    odd that al is so insistent about the grindr issue . . . could it belie something deeper?
