A March Metaphor

The lottery has been often labeled a "tax on dumb people" and while picking brackets for the NCAA tournament is akin to this kind of gambling, the very important difference is that it's a very very slow lottery drawing . . . it's as if they did one of those old-fashioned ping-pong ball style drawings over the course of two weeks instead of two minutes, so that you have to time to develop all kinds of emotions and feelings about the balls drawn and the numbers on them, your mental state experiencing ups and downs, highs and lows, before you are (almost inevitably) eliminated along with everyone else.


  1. I’m not sure that the selection of the winner of college basketball games between pools of teams with quantifiable skills is akin to the lottery unless you are talking about forecasting a perfect bracket.

  2. i'm talking about the way i select, baby! very random.

  3. So that makes an NCAA pool a tax on the Dave.

  4. Must you suck the joy out of everything?

  5. The Central Jersey Fun Felcher. Sounds like a serial killer.

  6. ok, my new year's resolution will be to suck less (joy).
