The Irony (and the Stupidity)

After limping around for several weeks with what I thought was plantar fasciitis (self-diagnosed, of course) I finally went back to the podiatrist to get checked out and he quickly diagnosed my ailment as a sprained tendon on the inside of my ankle, just under the ball of my foot (this tendon has a fancy anatomical name, but you're not going to remember it and neither am I, so I'm not going to bother to look it up) and this is great-- he give me a prescription for an anti-inflammatory and said I'd be better in two weeks but the irony (and the stupidity) is that all the crazy stretching I was doing to alleviate my self-diagnosed plantar fasciitis was actually aggravating this sprained tendon, causing me a great deal of pain, and making me depressed and me cynical about the rest of my boring, monotonous life, sans basketball, tennis, and soccer.


Whitney said...

Take up a new hobby.
Palindromes? Pantomiming? Polygamy?

Dave said...

palindromes sounds like a taxing and difficult hobby with very little upside. i'm happy with racecar

zman said...

As opposed to soccer, which may or may not give you plantar fasciitis?

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.