Tuition Wars

So here is my idea for a reality TV show . . . and I wish I had the gumption to actually do it: I tell my two children we are going to pay for one of them-- and only one of them-- to go to college, and thus pit the two of them against each other in a tactical battle to ascertain the scholarship: they could use any strategy they like to "win" the money . . . they could devote themselves to the family and do lots of chores and cooking and cleaning, or they could excel at school or in the arts or in sports or they could demonstrate extreme philanthropy or whatever . . . the main thing is that I would film every ugly minute of it and the show would make loads of cash and in the end, the big surprise would be that they both get to go to college, their education ironically financed by the very show that nearly destroyed them.


  1. And then you could be President.

  2. oh right, that's an even better surprise ending . . . i forgot that creating a successful yet despicable reality tv show is a path to success in politics.

  3. ok-- i will start today! i'm probably going to have to tell my kids several times before they believe it is real.
