Bladerunner 2049

Last weekend felt shorter than normal because I spent the bulk of it watching Bladerunner 2049 (though my son Ian said he thought it went super fast, I actually fell asleep at one point while sitting up straight and watching intently-- my head snapped back and I nearly got whiplash-- despite this, I did really like the story, the Harrison Ford cameo, the ethical dilemmas, the sci-fi scenery and the fantastic waterlogged ending fight . . . but I'm warning you, this thing is long like Captain America:Civil War is long).


  1. I went for Villeneuve, after Sicario I don't want to miss any of his movies. I did fade a bit in the middle but overall I enjoyed it. Loved the Vegas 2049 stuff.

  2. didn't see sicario but i loved arrival. didn't even know he directed the movie. the vegas stuff was definitely the best part.
