Oppressing Question

Even when I've made a clean fecal grab and knotted the neck in an airtight fashion, if I hold a full dog poop disposal bag right up to my nose, I can still smell the poop inside the bag-- the poop smell somehow penetrates the plastic . . . but this seems to defy the laws of olfactory physics: anyone out there know why this is so?


  1. Plastic is not completely impermeable, there are small holes between the molecules of plastic that are big enough for molecules of dogshit to seep through and into your nasal cavities. The better question is what type of nincompoop holds plastic bags of dogshit up to his nose?

  2. that's not the better question; it's the only question

  3. i can't help it, every couple months or so, i feel compelled to do it. it smells every time. so weird.
