Tender Are the Nether Regions

I'm not going to go into too much detail here, but I discovered this morning that the outdoor shower at our beach house has detachable head; at first, I didn't think I would bother to detach the head, and just stood, meditatively, letting the water sluice down my body and wash away the sand and salt, but then I realized, in a eureka moment reminiscent of Archimedes, that detaching the head after taking an early morning run and swim is essential, if you value the skin on your testicles.


  1. jackson browne workshopped this headline as a song title before thinking better of it

  2. Yeah, interacting with modern plumbing is really confounding.

  3. is there anything better than modern plumbing?

  4. This is gross. Did anyone want to mention that?

  5. You're right--nothing is better than my Toto.
