Pier 39 vs. The Raritan Yacht Club

Lately, my wife and I have been lucky enough to get some additional work running professional development workshops: Amazon flew my wife to San Francisco at the the start of the summer, so she could present on a math platform they've created and she uses, and they're flying her to Fort Lauderdale later this month to do several more presentations, and I got to present near a beautiful body of water as well, on three separate occasions . . . at Perth Amboy Middle School.


  1. You know Catherine is orders of magnitude smarter, cooler, better looking, and more presentable than you, right? So this sentence contains no surprise endings.

  2. i am filled with mirth at the notion of dave standing up in front of his peers as an expert. i know he's eminently qualified, probably overso (made up a word), but i can't stop imagining dave from 'the test' lecturing on various topics. try it. you'll enjoy.
