Jimmy Gluestick Fingers

Our family just watched the 1990 Tim Burton classic Edward Scissorhands, and while we enjoyed the visuals: the brightly colored antiseptic suburbs, the dark contrast of the castle, the extent of the whimsical topiaries, the odd menace of Anthony Michael Hall, and the steampunk chic of Edward himself, we had some problems with the logic of the story: Mister Scissorhands occasionally eats, but he doesn't seem to actually require sustenance to survive, and he never goes to the bathroom--  he's obviously never removed his leather skinsuit (one of the problems of having scissors for hands) and he seems to be immortal-- as indicated by the ancient Winona Ryder at the end of the film-- but it's never explained what his energy source is . . . my kids thought maybe he generated power with the constant clicking of his scissorhands; we also speculated on possible sequels . . . Jimmy Gluestick Fingers, Johnny Tape Hands, Martha Marker Nails, Philip Fork Phalanges, etcetera.


  1. Has it been addressed in the comments of even a post that the SoD switched from an early morning arrival to a midday or afternoon one? Are readers supposed to just take this in stride? Afternoon delivery newspapers went the way of the horse and buggy. Is this Dave's way of bringing it back?

  2. sad to say, but i'm usually posting something in the nick of time . . . i used to write more in the morning, now i walk the dog. i'm lucky to have one coherent thought per day . . .
