Leeroy Jenkins Edges Out Crazy Eddie Antar

If the Bourne Identity series and Good Will Hunting had a child, it would be The Accountant-- a fairly absurd (but also fairly entertaining) thriller about an autistic tax expert who not only has super-numerical abilities, but can also kick some serious ass (thanks to his overbearing, rather hokily insane dad) and while I'm not going to seriously analyze the plot and characters of this convoluted, highly improbable story, I will give the film credit for having the runner-up to the coveted SOD Allusion of the Year . . . Ben Affleck's character Christian Wolff has an epiphany about the bad guys, inspired by his memory of Crazy Eddie Antar's insane attempts at stock manipulation.


zman said...

His prices are ... INSANE!!!

Dave said...

so is the plot of this movie

Whitney said...

Where is the link to your Crazy eddie greasetruck song?

Dave said...

i don't know where that is . . .

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