Do NOT Listen to This If You Are a Prisoner of the Illusion

If you bought your wife a diamond engagement ring, you're probably not going to want to listen to the new Freakonomics podcast "Diamonds Are a Marriage Counselor's Best Friend," which shatters the illusions that diamonds are rare (they're not . . . but the De Beers diamond syndicate tries to make it appear that way) and that diamonds are forever (they are a 20th century tradition, made popular by the advertising firm N.W. Ayer,  who managed to convince the world that a diamond was a tangible representation of love and for a mere two months salary, you were getting a priceless, indestructible investment, but the truth is that diamonds don't hold their value-- the mark-up on them is tremendous and you can't resell them for even half of what you paid . . . in fact, because of "the overhang," all the diamonds already out there, they are quite common) and so my stubborn refusal to buy an engagement ring may have been the only good financial decision I've ever made, though it cost me a lot of pain and suffering (my mother finally saved the day and broke the impasse between Cat and I . . . we recycled a family heirloom).


  1. I'm glad you finally found a podcast to support your being cheap, unromantic, and mean.

  2. My wife didn't want an engagement ring. She said it's a waste of money. Does that make her cheap, unromantic, and mean? Or a pragmatist?

  3. after she divorces you, i have dibs on your wife.

  4. She hates to shop too. And her name is Kathryn so it's an easy adjustment aside from the spelling. She doesn't shovel snow though.

  5. i borrowed the money for my wife's engagement ring from my parents. they stopped hassling me about repaying it right about the time they got grandkids out of the bargain. winning.

  6. i'm still on my parent's cell phone plan!
