Are Raccoon Good or Evil?

I'm having trouble focusing on anything besides the family of raccoon in our attic-- apparently-- according to our raccoon guy-- we have a very special raccoon mother up there: until our case, the raccoon guy never had to lay a third round of male scent, and he's also never had a raccoon confront him the way ours did . . . she came right up to the attic access hole and wouldn't let him enter, so he had to spread the scent (which smelled incredibly rank) on a piece of cloth wrapped around a bamboo javelin and chuck it back to where the nest is . . . anyway, the raccoon and the kits will eventually leave on their own, but the question is how much damage will they do in the meantime, and there's definitely no consensus on that-- if you visit this site , then you can live peacefully with your raccoon guests until they vacate, but if you go here,  then raccoon are a menace that will cause thousands of dollars of damage and give you and your family roundworms (I think the second site might be pest control propaganda, but it's still scary stuff . . . so I attempted my own last-ditch tactics: I propped my guitar amp on a stack of pillows and hassocks so it was a foot from the ceiling and tried to blast them out with power chords and feedback and then I tossed some tennis balls soaked with bleach back toward the nest, but no luck with either ploy).


  1. What songs did you play? I'd recommend "I'm a Glom."

  2. Have you considered throwing some poisoned apples into the attic? Or maybe getting a BB gun and shooting them? My neighbor growing up was a volunteer cop and he used an air rifle to stifle his attic infestations.

  3. Also - I never knew that "raccoon" was an acceptable, if lesser used, variable plural form for "raccoons." You learn something every day.

    Now, time to go kill me some squirrel.

  4. my spell check didn't like "raccoons," so i looked it up and raccoon can be plural and has a nice ring to it (pun intended).

    the problem with shooting or poisoning the mom is that the babies are way back in a crawl space rafter area and we can't get to them-- they will die and smell bad and we'll have to rip apart the ceiling. there's no way i'm crawling through a 1 by 2 foot hole with a raccoon on the other end.

  5. Have you considered getting a python or boa from the pet store and throwing it through the 1 by 2 foot hole?

  6. that's a good idea! and then i can buy a mongoose to get the boa and a monitor lizard to get the mongoose and a raccoon to get the monitor lizard . . .

  7. Your monitor lizard story is the best/saddest.

  8. why did i buy a monitor lizard again?
