Together at Last: Daylight Saving Time and Skewed Data!

My zealous fans know that the only thing I love more than pontificating about skewed data is ranting about Daylight Saving Time and now-- finally!-- this Monday morning these two topics will collide in a perfect blend of peanut butter and chocolate when students across New Jersey take the PARCC test . . . some students started taking the test last week, but the snowstorm prevented them from finishing, so they will finish taking the test after "springing ahead," which is always devastating to high school students, who don't get enough sleep as it is . . . and some kids completed the test before "springing ahead" while other kids will take the entire test this week, as sleep deprived zombies . . . and while the time change won't affect elementary kids quite as much, it will affect their parents, who will be crabby and running late, and that will affect the kids . . . so Pearson either needs to find a way to correct the scores for this anomaly or --better yet-- with all the cash they rake in from their testing and data analysis, they should wage a campaign to eradicate Daylight Saving Time once and for all-- because Daylight Saving Time skews the results of the PARCC! do you hear that Pearson? your data is skewed! . . . this is not a threat, it's the truth-- so get rid of Daylight Saving Time for the sake of our children (and for the sake of testing our children, and for the sake of producing reams of unskewed data about our children so we can rank and place them appropriately).


  1. So much drama around a standardized test. I love the ones who say "And my kid doesn't test well anyway." Um, Okay...

  2. Is PARCC park of parks and rec?

  3. i mentioned in the office today that i just started watching "parks and rec" and love it and stacey said "are you from ten years ago?"

  4. I've never seen it so I'm from 15 years ago.

  5. then you should check out "frasier"

  6. I've heard good things about mash. I'm honestly thinking about watching Miami vice again to see if it's different as an adult.

  7. don't watch the final episode of mash. it's not very funny. i am thinking of watching parks and rec instead of this basketball game.
