Is This Blurry? We Might Be Able to Help . . .

My wife found three pairs of prescription glasses in my son's desk drawer-- he claims to have found them "in the middle of the road" and "on the path in the woods," which makes sense, since both of my children will pick up anything they find on the ground (last week, my son picked up someone's mouthpiece off the turf . . . yuck) and so if anyone on the South Side of Highland Park has lost a pair of glasses, we might have them (my wife was annoyed with the two of them and said they should have knocked on doors near where they found them in an attempt to return them, but I definitely couldn't see my kids ever doing something that compassionate and logical).


  1. You should give them to the Lions Club.

  2. ok-- they recycle eyeglasses. will do. this is a very special and charitable sentence of dave!

  3. this is a very special and charitable comment of zman

  4. you know i like to take credit for everything . . . like the dog hollerer.
