
I've been consuming loads of crime stuff: The Fall, True Detective, The Skeleton Road, The Fifth Witness . . . so you'd think my investigative skills would be on fleek, but the following mysteries in my life still remain unsolved:

1) two weeks ago, the garbagemen took the recycling on Wednesday instead of Thursday;

2) both my jump shot and my hairline have diminished on the same timeline;

3) even though Rudy was totally cheesy, it still made me cry.


  1. Why are they the Toronto Maple Leafs and not the Toronto Maple Leaves?

  2. I think whit pondered that Sam ponderence years ago on the lammienet and not even Wikipedia can provide a suitable answer. I think it has to do with some Canadian super soldiers from WWI and Canada's generally poor grammar.

  3. i was about to google the maple leafs but i decided better of it. i don't need that piece of information.
