Great Ideas in Pub History?

Alec and I are generally full of ideas on pub night, but sometimes these ideas don't sound as good the next morning:

1) last Thursday, I was a bit wound up from playing lead guitar in the Faculty Follies band, and this led to us deciding to form a band (with a rather crass name about a sexual practice that was popular in the '80's and in '80's movies, e.g. Vacation and The World According to Garp) and then make an album and post-date it from the '80's so that people would "remember" us even though we didn't exist-- Pete the bartender/owner shot this one down immediately;

2) moments later someone claimed that the people who are "unboxing" and testing toys and electronics and food and other stuff on YouTube are making "billions," and we wanted in on these untold riches, but realized that most items already have well-followed "unboxers" and so we would need a new niche if we wanted to make our "billions"-- and so we decided we could unbox and test toilet paper . . . I'll spare you the rest of that brainstorming session;

3) and then Friday night we revisited a recurring discussion about Alec's solution to the Washington Redskin nickname controversy-- Alec believes they should shorten their name to "The Skins" and each custom-made super-tight jersey should correspond to the player's skin tone (the numbers would look like they were "painted on" the jerseys in grease-paint) so it would appear that the opposing team would be the "shirt" team and the super-tough Skins would be going bare-chested-- and while I admire the aesthetics of the idea, I think the variety of skin tones on an NFL team  (and thus the inconsistency in jersey colors) would make it tough for the quarterback to pick out receivers (and we've never discussed whether the jerseys would have nipples and belly-buttons printed on them).


  1. The Skins jerseys should also include accurate depictions of each player's tattoos. Difficult to implement, but it would be huge for sales.

  2. wow-- i've got to hook you up with alec . . .

  3. I do love the idea of the accurate tattoos, but yeah, that would be hard to do, and even harder to keep accurate as they got new ones...

    I still don't understand how it could be so hard to recognize your own players...they'd till be wearing colored helmets (designed to look like there was an arrow through them as an homage to the old team name) and they'd be the only players out there NOT wearing red or green or blue!

  4. I think it would be tough for colorblind fans.

  5. what happens when you play the oakland raiders?

  6. zman, perhaps, but it would be so worth it.

    Catpell, you would win.

  7. an arrow running through them in homage to the "wild and crazy" steve martin?
