I've Still Got It . . .

Though it's been a three year hiatus, I've still got the remarkable ability to count to four at just the right moment in the bridge of "Born to Run" . . . I thought that era of my life was over, but after a candid discussion with LeCompt about addiction and recovery-- and I won't go into details to protect all parties involved-- Dom and Connell reminded him that I'm the guy who is especially adept at counting, and -- as usual-- after I performed my bit, I got several high fives from random folks at the bar, who were duly impressed by my special purpose.


  1. I thought this post had potential for a little update on LeCompt, but no, one of the best rockers in South Jersey is now a bit player in Dave's story about how he counted to four.

    The "Sentence" is dead, The Self Aggrandizement of Dave lives!

  2. Dave never had to count to 4 when he was in Random Idiots.

  3. lecompt is off the meth blah blah blah. counting to four can be very difficult!
