Life Changing Error

Wednesday morning, I reached into my pocket for my cell phone, and mistakenly pulled out my wallet -- so I reached into the same pocket again . . . and pulled out another wallet; I had inadvertently taken my "going out" wallet to school instead of my cell phone, and so now I was walking around with two wallets in my pocket, instead of my wallet and my cell phone, which was silly, but also a great visual gag, so I made sure to tell everyone the story, while enacting it, and the producing of the second wallet generally got a laugh, so I'm quitting my job and going on tour as a prop comedian, like my hero, Carrot Top.


  1. I meant to say: you have two wallets?

  2. Sure. Every girl does. One is more of a clutch.

  3. you don't have a "going out wallet"?

    a small one that you just put $$$ and a credit card in, so that if you get mugged, you don't lose your library card? wtf?

  4. I do not. I keep my library card in a drawer at home.

  5. having two wallets is among the more dave things ever, along with wearing short sleeve dress shirts with ties, and paddleboarding.

  6. i actually have three wallets. one is made of duct tape.
