Motivation and Consciousness (and Socks)

After I get out of the shower, on the weekend, I'll throw on some clothes -- but not socks -- and then I'll go downstairs to do whatever . . . but I know that invariably, I will want socks, but I neither put them on then, when it is convenient, nor do I carry a pair of socks downstairs with me, to put on when I will inevitably need them (and Saturday morning, when I realized this ineffective habit, I still did nothing to correct it).

1 comment:

  1. I keep extra socks--my warmest and fluffiest ones--in a drawer in the family room coffee table b/c I am always in the same situation. Try doing this--then you ALWAYS have downstairs socks. Warning: after you wash them you must remember to return them to their 1st floor setting...otherwise you just run out again.
