The Origin of the World (It's Genitalia Week)

My son Ian was perusing the book 1001 Paintings You must See Before You Die and he stumbled upon Courbet's infamous work innocuously entitled "The Origin of the World" . . . which is a rather graphic close-up portrait of a woman's genitalia, a rather hirsute woman's genitalia . . . but luckily I wasn't home, and so he asked my wife about the picture and she explained to him what it was and he replied: "Oh, I thought it was a black hole."


  1. Ian is a modern day Crash Davis.

  2. Crash Davis compared a woman's delicates to the Bermuda Triangle which is kind of like a black hole. A man can get lost in there and never be heard from again.

  3. got it. in ten years, i will explain this metaphor to ian.
