The Medium Might Be a Message

 Neal Stephenson's ponderous, otherworldy and philosophical novel Anathem may be the perfect book to consume on an e-reader -- although it's disturbing not to know exactly how far I am through the book (30% . . . but 30% of what? I don't know how many pages it is) but I can see the monastic avouts in the concents of Stephenson's world carrying around a similar gadget . . . still this book isn't for everyone, as there is more description of architecture than there is conflict, which is probably why the electronic version is only $1.99 on Amazon.


  1. it's always a good day for SAT words over here at Sentence of Dave. We nerd it up every day of the week, including Sundays!

  2. That does NOT sound like something Mr. Truck would say. Dave, yes. Almighty Yojo, maybe. Mr. Truck, nooooooo!!

    Say it ain't so.

  3. the tabloids report that mr. truck is having an identity crisis.
