This Metaphor is not for the Weak of Heart

In my "Year as a Week" metaphor, we have entered Thursday -- Spring Break is around the corner and  then there's just the sloppy slog through the last two months of the year -- Friday! -- and the weekend is here (summer vacation) . . . but in my "Career as a Week" metaphor, I'm only in the middle of Wednesday: I've got to work as long as I've already worked before I can even consider retirement, and that's only if the pension system remains self-sustaining -- if it collapses, then I'm probably still in early Tuesday in my "Career as a Week" and I will never reach the weekend (retirement) and instead will simply work until I keel over and die in front of a class full of teenagers (who will most likely have the internet implanted in their brains, so they can text each other telepathically, while I am trying to teach them Hamlet).


  1. Imagine if you loathed your job/profession.

  2. always good to remember that. but coal miners get a much shorter career as a week, because they die so young . . .
