Blonde People Got No Reason To . . .

My son Alex -- who does not really look like my son, as he has a beautiful head of blonde hair -- noticed that all the protagonists of his favorite books and movies are NOT blonde: Harry Potter, Batman, Dr. Who, just about every anime character in existence, etc. and this led to him complaining about his lack of choice for Halloween (why he's thinking about Halloween in Februruary is beyond me) but he is right, his only options from his pantheon is Draco Malfoy or Luke Skywalker, neither of whom appeals to him.


  1. No one will know what his hair looks like if he wears a mask. So go as Spiderman or Chewbacca.

  2. Is he a LOTR fan? Legolas?
    Or spray-in hair dye...about $2 at the party store, washes out with shampoo, and really works! Turned our daughter into redhead to be Ginny Weasley one year and our son into jet black to be Barbossa. It works!
    Doesn't address the issue of why so few, if any, such heroes are blonde, but it's a solution nonetheless.

  3. He could shave the top of his head then glue the trimmings to his upper lip to be Hulk Hogan.

  4. all good ideas -- i think i will suggest that he dye his hair red and go as ginny weasley.

  5. Dave - you doing the polar plunge this weekend

  6. no plunge this weekend -- trip to philly. our house wasn't available for winter rental . . .
