Immobile Dave Is Useless

Over the four day weekend, I was laid up because of a pulled quadricep muscle, and this gave me time to reflect on my life . . . and I realized that the only good I do on this earth is contingent on me being ambulatory: I am not wise enough to teach from a chair, so I try to be animated for my students; my coaching skills rely on modeling-- I play with the kids to show them how to do it; and my chores around the house consist of things such as walking the dog, teaching the kids tennis, taking the kids for bike rides, taking the dog for bike rides, carrying the laundry baskets up and down the stairs, and watering the garden . . . so when I can't walk, I am a major detriment at home, at work, and on the field . . . and so if I ever come up permanently lame, I guess it would be best to take me out back and treat me like Old Yeller.


Clarence said...

I've got dibs on that!!

rob said...

i assume you write sod while sitting, in which case you are only mostly useless.

Unknown said...

Get a powered wheelchair and a DecTalk. Look what it's done for Stephen Hawking...

Dave said...

stephen hawking can teach from a chair.

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