I Come To The End of Two Significant Nineteen Year Relationships on the Same Day

My mother-in-law passed away last night after a long battle with cancer-- and while it was very sad, she went on her own terms, peacefully, at home (she lives with us) and surrounded by family . . . and I can honestly say that our relationship defied the typical, as I got along quite well with her for the past nineteen years: she lived with us for seven of those years and took care of our children for much of that time, she was a vital woman and I have no regrets about electing to have my mother-in-law live in the same house as me . . . and as my mother-in-law was gradually losing consciousness, I was buying a used car-- more on my fantastic negotiating skills in a future sentence-- because my weather-beaten and ancient 1993 Jeep Cherokee was also near the end of its time . . . but the "Deathbox" managed one final ride down Route 130, to the Toyota dealership, where it immediately ceased working-- I couldn't get it started so the sales lady could take it for a test drive, and it took a team of people to jump start it and move it out of the main lot-- they gave me 100$ of pity money for the "trade-in," perhaps in deference to the many years of excellent service this car provided me (and all the material it has provided for this blog) . . . and so, in one of life's profound, mysterious, and miraculous coincidences, two outstanding nineteen year relationships ended on the same day yesterday, and my life will be very different from here on out.


  1. please pass along our condolences to cat and the boys. knowing it's coming doesn't really make it any easier.

  2. i will. and it's true, although it's a relief that our lives will be slowly going back to normal . . .

  3. Cat's mom will be missed. She was a hip, hip lady who made me chuckle. I know you are grateful Alex and Ian got to know her.

    The Deathbox 2000, however will not be missed, especially on long roadtrips. The least comfortable car I've driven in some time.

  4. Your stupid car story made me cry. I'm so sorry for Cat's mom's passing.

  5. the "deathbox" nickname resurfaced in my consciousness when i was doing the jeep's final journey down 130. and thanks for all condolences.

  6. An eloquent s.o.d. I say. So sorry for y'all's loss of mom, in-law, grandma....sounds like a great lady. Peace this day and in those to come.

    As for the "deathbox"...sounds like its time was far overdue.
