Someone Needs To Calibrate This Stuff!

While the "super" setting on my window fan is hardly that, the "medium spicy" setting at our local Thai restaurant is absurdly spicy-- lip numbingly spicy, cold sweats in the night spicy, ring of fire in the morning spicy . . . we need a Better Bureau of Calibration for this stuff.


  1. the alternative at that restaurant - if it is the same one i'm thinking of - is to order "no spices" - and honestly, who is going to order that? i remember going there with laura and ordering the lowest level for "spicy" and the two of us were dabbing napkins on our tongues after a half dozen bites. i think we actually tried to use the hot sauce on the table to cool off the spiciness. that did not work, either.

  2. pad thai. exactly-- my wife orders "no spicy" and it's got no spice to it. i want medium spice, but apparently it's a binary kind of thing there-- they must have a pleasant "no spicy" chef and a lunatic "spicy" chef . . .
