It's Hard To Look Menacing On A Scooter

I was walking through the park and I saw a couple of teenagers that looked like trouble-- black ski hats pulled low-- despite the warm weather-- saggy jeans revealing their boxers, surly expressions on their faces-- but they were zooming along on kick scooters and they weren't scrawny thirteen year olds, they were older teenagers . . . pushing twenty, and-- though I didn't have the heart to tell them-- once you hit a certain age, it's really tough to look like a bad-ass on a scooter.


  1. It's kind of like when you took up rollerblading and had all of your tattoos exposed.

  2. i'm going to start roller-blading again, but with my dog. i've got a death wish.

  3. I want a video of you roller-blading with your dog. Comedy gold.

  4. done and done. i will do it this weekend, for the sake of the blog.

  5. You could title it "Death Sentence of Dave" (canned laughter)
