We Love You!

Just wanted to give a big shout out to all the fine people who can't seem to park their vehicle in between the lines . . . and I'm guessing you're the same fine people who are doing this sweet move as well (and a related question for all the litigators in the house: if I "accidentally" ding the car next to me in the parking lot when I open my door, but the car isn't parked between the lines, am I culpable?)


  1. you need these stickers: http://www.threadless.com/product/187/I_Park_Like_an_Idiot

  2. I got these for Christmas.


  3. is it illegal for me to put that sticker on someone's car, if in fact they are parked like an idiot?

  4. Those threadless stickers are kind of like children's window stickers. They peel off really easily so go ahead. Put all 50 on the same car. :)
