2012: More of The Same . . .

Catherine began the New Year in her own typical fashion: she called our home phone from a park in Milltown and I listened to her message and attempted to call her back, but I couldn't find our land-line handset-- I even pressed the "Find Handset" button, but no luck-- so I called her back with my cell-phone and by this time she was driving back down Route 1, and I asked her about the handset and after a long pause she said, "I think I left it on the roof of the car," and-- miraculously (and I don't use that word lightly) the phone was still on the roof of the car when she arrived home-- it survived two trips on Route 1 and crossed both the Donald and the Morris Goodkind Bridges . . . an astounding journey, especially considering most of the other objects Catherine has left on the roof of our car have not fared so well . . . and devout fans might remember that the first Sentence of Dave dealt with this same topic, all the way back in 2007, and things haven't changed much since. 


  1. Maybe she should put things on the dashboard instead of the roof. I say this in all seriousness -- I never put anything on the roof for exactly this reason and instead use the passenger seat or the dashboard.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17FE3WxCKzM

  3. maybe you need a really tall car, so she can't reach the roof - like a double decker bus or something.

  4. Or a convertible. Or a motorcycle.

  5. unicycles have not been treated well around here.

    oddly, catherine doesn't let me put things on the dashboard, so i will give her your advice and see how it goes-- but, though you shouldn't base future performance on past events, i'm not getting my hopes up.

  6. i once pulled into my garage at old house in n.c. with a bike on my roof.
