The Second Greatest Victory In My Life

While The Greatest Victory in my Life is the fact that I won a Cake Decorating Contest . . . because never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I'd get to say the words, "I won a Cake Decorating contest," my victory Friday night is a close second, as I took the prize money in Liz and Eric's Second Annual Scary Story Contest and the competition was stiff and spooky . . . for the complete story of the contest, and my prize-winning story, head over here . . . and don't read it alone (hopefully, as the week progresses, I will post up all the creepy tales, as they were super-excellent).


  1. Cross-marketing.

    Nice work, Dave.

  2. So you now shooting for 250 tacos? Just 10 meals of 6 tacos each over 40 days. You can do it.

  3. Maybe you can work in a few sperm cakes between tacos.

  4. i think my new year's resolution for 2012 is going to be "care more about canada." it's much harder to measure.

  5. what with the exchange rate, and all
