Individuals Tending Towards Savagery Is A Great Name For A Punk-Rock Band

 Sentence of Dave has often discussed risk assessment . . .  it's difficult to decide what to worry about in a world where so much unfiltered information is so readily accessible . . . and so I will place you on the horns of another anxiety-filled dilemma: should you worry more about Individuals Tending Towards Savagery, a radical Mexican anti-technology group that praises the writings of Ted Kaczynski and recently bombed two Mexican nano-technology professors at the Monterrey Technological Institute, or should you worry about their prediction: that nanotechnology research will result in the creation of nano-cyborgs, which will be able to self-replicate automatically without the help of humans and eventually form an exponentially increasing "gray-goo" that will smother all life on earth?


zman said...

Didnt Updike write about this in Towards the End of Time?

Dave said...

i didn't read that one-- did he? i could use it for class . . .

zman said...

It isn't a great book but it involves this little robot creatures that occassionally attack people and I think they evolved from some sort of nanotechnology. It's Updike so there's plenty of goo, but not grey goo.

Dave said...

grey? are you british now?

zman said...

I favour grey to gray.

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