
So I'm thinking of writing an epic science-fiction novel that is set in a number of giant self-sustaining bio-dome type structures dotted about the ruins of earth-- the people inside are waiting for the earth's ecosystem to regenerate from some cataclysm--and during the wait (which will be thousands of years) the various self-sustaining pods evolve different economic systems and this leads to a variety of debates, conflicts, and decisions about how to use the resources in each pod, and also how trade works between the pods-- it would be science-fiction of economics and conservation and so-- for preliminary research for this book that I will certainly never even attempt to write-- I posed this question to Quora: Is it more cost effective to eat the chicken or is it better to keep the chicken alive and eat its eggs? and people have already given me some logical answers . . . for free!-- so I suggest you create an account and ask questions for research you will never use but are mildly curious about.


  1. Forget the novel, go right to the TV show starring Edward James Olmos. Instead of counting down how many people are still alive, you can run a commodity exchange graphic scrolling on the bottom of the screen during the episode to reflect the plot.

  2. I live in a 1000 square foot apartment with my wife, infant son, two cats, and all of their accoutrements, so I think that eating the chicken is the best idea, otherwise I'll have an apartment full of eggs and chickens and chicken guano and pieces of dead chickens that were dismembered by my cat, and my wife will likely leave me as a result.

  3. zman-- that's what most of the quora people say.

    mel-- you are my head writer-- that's the best idea ever and would make the show, which, of course, i will never write.

  4. your cats have accoutrements? my cats are accoutless.

  5. wow, those quora chicken people are something. who knew - an entire website devoted to chicken economics.

  6. My cats have food bowls, water bowls, catnip toys, feathery toys, furry toys, laser pointers, scratching pads, beds, bags of treats, bags of food, bags of litter, a litter box, litter littered outside the litter box, food littered outside the food bowl ... it's bedlam.

  7. is it more economical to eat your cat or eat the rodents it catches? ask quora.
